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FRESHMusicPlayer 11

December 22nd, 2021

It’s that time of year again! FRESHMusicPlayer 11 is out! Here’s some of the highlights.

Fullscreen Mode

There’s a new fullscreen 10 foot mode, for those times when you want to use FMP to play music for a party or just take in your music. Just hit F11!
It shows lyrics, too!

There’s also an option to black out the background, if that makes it easier to focus on what you’re doing.

Visual Improvements

You might’ve noticed that lyrics now display the lines before and after the current line. We also gave the entire UI a fresh coat of paint, subtly updated some UI elements to make things a bit more consistent, and smoothed out lots of animations.

Panes as Separate Windows

You can now take better advantage of multiple monitors by opening panes as separate windows by shift clicking!

You can have as many open as you’d like, so go wild!

Now Playing Cover Art

Cover art now shows in Windows’s Now Playing views!

Other things

That’s all!

Click here for the latest changelogs. If you already have a FMP installation, just restart to install the new update, or, if you have a standalone version, grab the latest version here.
Thanks for using FRESHMusicPlayer!